PTSD, not just a common occurrence from military experiences. Join me as we look at the different causes and responses as PTSD runs rampant in today’s theater of life. We even discuss options to help with coping and easing the effects for ourselves, our family, and our loved ones. You are not alone. We are here to offer supplemental support in using nature’s gifts to ease the mental and emotional pain.
Here is a link to Dan’s getting started protocol|1&item-2=82123|1&item-3=USBE10005|1&destroy=1&ga_id=UA-20019232-44&redirect=
Coach Rod’s heavier hammer|1&item-2=USBE10005|1&item-3=10282Q|1&item-4=USYG100083|1&destroy=1&ga_id=UA-20019232-44&redirect=
Dr. Wallach’s FULL Ultimate Protocol to supporting Brain and Mental health.|1&item-2=82123|1&item-3=20970|1&item-4=USYG100084|2&item-5=USYG100083|2&destroy=1&ga_id=UA-20019232-44&redirect=|1&item-2=USBE10005|1&item-3=USYG100083|1&item-4=10258Q|1&item-5=USYG100084|1&destroy=1&ga_id=UA-20019232-44&redirect=