A mother’s journey through addiction, learning forgiveness and how to love herself while loving and accepting her kids through their own journey.

Ruthellen Sanchez grew up in Orange County California and currently lives in Bucks County Pennsylvania with her husband, three sons and four grandchildren. During her life she struggled with Alcoholism and Substance Abuse which took her down a dark path causing much pain and heartache. After hitting bottom in 1994 and realizing that this was a path with no future for herself and her children, she began to make changes.  She was able to get into outpatient rehab and made regular 12 Step Meetings.  Her life began to change.  Hope and faith, built courage and the strength to move forward, leaving the darkness behind. Stumbling many times in the beginning and picking herself back up, “No Matter What!” became her call to action every day.  27 years later she has built a life in Recovery, enjoying Service Work and Mentoring other women. With life choices came health challenges beyond recovery.  These challenges led her to study Health and Nutrition, she became a Certified Wholistic Health Coach, started her own business and is now not just a Health and Business Coach, but a leader in showing other women their worth and lending her belief in others and empowering them to create the life they deserve.

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